Building the CX Execution Engine is podcast 1 of 3 hosted by South African based Phoenix Corporate Events. Here is a selection of mini videos that talk, from a practical point of view how the best performing organisations build their framework and systems.
Steve Towers (Chief Experience Officer, BPG) being interviewed by Aloysius Xavier Petersen (Managing Director, Phoenix Corporate Events) and Bianca Martin (Chief Operations Officer, Phoenix Corporate Events) To sign-up for the podcasts 2 and 3 in the series (How do I convince the board and my sponsors, and What is the Best Practice approach for 2025?) Go here. 🚀🚀 How quickly can you switch-up your customer game?
For the full 30-minute podcast scroll down, or enjoy the 'snippets' reviewing important topics.
Let's start with a one-minute review of Pillars 3 and 4. What are the Four Pillars of the CX Execution Engine?
Thirty-minute Podcast introduces the value of a CX Execution Engine
ACX Program overview (pdf)
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